MHSA Qld and Nowra RSL collaborate to have a DVA funded headstone placed on the grave of Pte Raymond BENSON MM MiD – 4th Battalion, AIF

Back in March 2018 we identified that Pte Raymond BENSON MM MiD – 4 Bn AIF, was buried in a poorly kept grave at the Nowra Cemetery. On contacting the Nowra RSL they took immediate steps to remedy the problem. Firstly, they erected a temporary respectable grave cover and then applied to DVA for official commemoration for veterans who died outside the periods (1914-1921 and 1939-1947) commemorated by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. DVA approved the application and the Office of Australian War Graves arranged for a permanent grave cover. Nowra RSL advised us that he was the highest decorated soldier in the cemetery and they were unaware of Pte Benson being buried there. Nowra RSL advised us that he was the highest decorated soldier in the cemetery and they were unaware of Pte Benson being buried there.

We wish to take this opportunity to congratulate the Nowra RSL on their prompt and professional response to this request. Our thanks also to MHSA members Robert Simpson for identifying the original grave cover whilst researching this soldier for the Maryborough Military & Colonial Museum and to Evan Evans for getting the grave listed on the DVA website. The museum has his medals and MiD certificate on display as one of the 238 AIF soldiers to be awarded a Military Medal for gallantry on Gallipoli.

For those MHSA members who are unaware, all returned service personnel with unmarked graves or graves of a poor standard in Australia are eligible to apply to DVA for a professional grave cover as per the attached photo.  All you have to do is contact the DVA with evidence of eligibility.  This is now the third success with DVA and the CWGC.

John Meyers

More details on Benson’s service history can be found by clicking on the below link:

Private Benson’s original grave
Private Benson’s grave 2018.
Private Benson

Private Benson’s grave is now listed on the DVA website: